Corporate Finance

In order to maximize firm value we offer our clients assistance in the fields of capital investment decisions, financial risk management and deal making.

Capital Investment Decisions

Whether a potential project is evaluated, joint venture partnerships are entered into, acquisitions or mergers are investigated or an exit is sought for the company, some sort of valuation analysis is required. Quirijns Company can assist with:

  • Valuation. Providing valuation estimates for projects, partnerships and businesses. We are also often hired to manage the process of engaging expert valuators and providing second opinions.
  • Quantifying uncertainty and flexibility. Running scenario and sensitivity analysis on various assumptions used in financial models. Quantifying option-like payoff structures.
  • Capital structure. Advising on the company’s financing mix of debt and equity.

Financial Risk Management

Quirijns Company can assist with putting in place financial risk management processes to identify, assess, control and monitor the relevant risks of an organization. These financial risks for the entrepreneur are generally in relation to:

  • Credit risk. Risk of loss arising from a borrower/creditor. Alternatively, the risk of not being able to provide in capital for the business.
  • Market risk. Risk of loss due to change in market prices such as interest rates, currency rates and commodity prices.
  • Liquidity risk. Risk that a given asset cannot be traded quickly enough to prevent a loss (or make a profit).
  • Profit risk. Risks associated with (concentrations in) the income statement.

Deal Making

Quirijns Company advises on a number of private company actions such as raising capital, engaging in mergers and acquisitions, restructuring debt and project financing. As such Quirijns Company can assist with:

  • Deal preparation. Devising Investment, Information and Private Placement Memoranda accompanied by teasers and financial models and originating financing requests to banks.
  • Due diligence. Setting up electronic data rooms and advising on the attractiveness of targets.
  • Investor introductions. Matching investors with entrepreneurs who require (equity) financing.

Private Finance

We can advise on and coordinate setting up several financial infrastructures for private companies and individuals. Also we regularly act as a part-time CFO and as expert witness in (financial) litigation.